• Posted on Jan 10, 2023

Accessing the Internet has become more than just a luxury in today’s modern age. Schools, households, and office buildings all rely on the Internet. We depend on the internet for information, education, and entertainment purposes.

When selecting the type of Internet connection, two of the most popular options remain Fiber optic and cable. To make the best choice, it’s important to compare the advantages of fiber optic vs. cable.

DSL internet and satellite are popular options for customers, but fiber optic and cable offer the fastest speeds. They deliver a superior user experience.

When it comes to fiber optic vs. cable, there are differentiating factors to consider. Understanding how each of these technologies works and comparing them can help in making the best decision.

Cable Internet Explained

The majority of American households rely on cable internet to power their internet experiences. However, this isn’t necessarily because it’s better than fiber optic but rather because it’s more available.

Cable internet relies on the same phone lines as cable TV, and that means there’s no need to install additional lines in order to use it. If a home already has cable TV, it has everything in place to add cable Internet as well.

Cable internet uses coaxial cables, which are copper-based wires to connect a home or office to the internet. The copper wires act as data transmitters sending signals using electricity. Each coaxial cable has a copper core that is fully insulated with aluminum. Since it relies on electricity, storms, radio signals, and other external factors affect cable’s signal.

Exploring Fiber Optic Internet Services

When comparing fiber optic vs. cable Internet, one of the major points to note is that fiber optic internet far surpasses cable in terms of internet speed. In fact, fiber optic internet is so much faster than cable that you measure it in gigabits per second instead of megabits per second.

Fiber optic cable uses light bursts to transmit data along thin glass strands encased in plastic. These light bursts travel down thin, hair-like strands of glass without the use of electricity. Fiber optic internet signals can travel very far distances and deliver clear and exceptionally speedy Internet at rates just shy of the speed of light.

Cable Vs. Fiber – What Are The Differences?

When comparing cable vs. fiber, it helps to explore the difference in the end-user experience. Although it’s clear that fiber optic cable is faster and uses different technology, there are other factors to consider.

Consumers will want to know which option costs more, as this will make a major impact on their final selection. Other factors include the end-user experience, such as the upload and download times and local availability. Taking all of these points into consideration is key when comparing fiber optic vs. cable internet.


Internet users can all attest to quality as one of the most important features in their user experience. The quality of the internet connection will directly impact the user’s ability to enjoy what they’re doing. It also impacts whether or not the Internet connection is able to meet its purpose effectively.

An example of this is gaming. Even a small lag in-game time can cost the player the game, so speed and quality are of paramount importance here.

Since its superior technology affords it a faster internet speed, fiber optic internet raises the bar. It has noticeably faster speeds ranging from 250 Mbps all the way up to 1,000 Mbps. In addition to speed, fiber optic internet offers symmetrical upload and download speeds which is very convenient. Comparatively, cable internet offers asymmetrical speeds where downloads are typically much faster than uploads.

Cable internet speeds range between 10 Mbps and a little over 200 Mbps, which is much slower than fiber optic internet. Cable speeds are slower, but most households do well with this speed unless they have unique Internet needs. Light internet browsing and light streaming don’t require extensive internet speeds, and this is something to consider when it comes to fiber optic vs. cable internet services.

Uploads and Downloads

Waiting minutes to download a movie can be a frustrating experience for anyone. That’s why upload and download speeds are an important consideration when selecting an Internet type and provider.  Fiber optic internet offers the same speedy upload and download times. However, cable usually has a slower upload speed vs. downloads.


A major drawback to using cable vs. fiber is that with cable, you need to share bandwidth with others in your neighborhood. This slows down the speed when everyone is online at the same time, such as on the weekends and evenings. Unlike cable, fiber optic Internet isn’t affected by the number of users online and its speed is never compromised by outside factors.


Another major factor that internet users will consider when comparing cable internet connections and fiber optic internet is the cost.

Due to the fact that fiber optic cable has a limited infrastructure, it’s not available in every neighborhood. The cost is higher than cable internet and this can affect whether or not internet users opt for fiber.

Users can bundle cable internet with other services such as a telephone line and cable TV. This makes it a very cost-effective option for users who are looking to save on the cost of many different services.

The Bottom Line

Fiber optic internet offers virtually unlimited bandwidth, and in time, its infrastructure will expand to serve more households. Its fast speed and exceptional quality make it ideal for users who require these features. For many households, cable internet provides the most affordable option, and its slower speed is offset by this reduced cost.

Larger households with heavy internet needs and busy offices can benefit the most from a fiber optic internet connection. However, smaller households can take advantage of the reduced cost that cable internet has to offer.

Contact eNetwork Supply

eNetwork Supply offers dynamic and practical solutions for IT, cable, broadband and telecommunication clients. We source and ship new and pre-owned equipment worldwide. Give us a call to schedule a personalized consultation by calling 312-283-5983.